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our missionaries

Meet our missionaries.


Spreading the gospel beyond our domestic boarders is important and imperative. That's why we support the following missionaries and the work they are doing internationally to bring the good news to the lost globally.

For the past fourteen years Rob has taught the Bible extensively throughout Hungary and Tündi has been very involved in serving with music. Their ministry is currently under a complete transition as God is taking them through major changes. They hope to reveal their new direction soon and are excited about the doors the Lord is opening up for them. Please continue to pray for the Lord to lead them and show them His will for their ministry and lives.

Presently, the Home has 400 orphans who come from different parts of Manipur and Mizoram; their ages range from five to fourteen. Selection for the Home is based on a personal interview with the board, a case study of the past life of each child, and spot verification. The children attend Covenant School, just across the street from the Home. More than 300 orphans are currently on the waiting list. The orphans' need is real, and there is great pressure to take them in. We at the Home hold high hopes that funds will come in to realize our dream of serving a minimum of 300-400 orphans in the Home. You can give these orphans the chance to learn and get basic health services, and to be encouraged, loved, guided and valued. In short, with your help, the lives of these orphans can be saved.

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