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what to expect

What to expect when visiting Middlesex


Sometimes it's a bit daunting. Visiting a church for the first time you turn into the parking lot, wonder where to park, guessing which door to go in, then you have to figure out where to sit. We've been there. And we know it can be a little disconcerting to say the least. So here's a brief description of what a typical Sunday at Middlesex Presbyterian looks like so you can have an idea before you even leave your house.


What to wear?

You'll find everything from jeans to suits. Please dress so you are comfortable but remembering that our sole focus is on worshipping God.


What about children?

We invite children to sit with their parents during our worship service. They are an integral and vital part to corporate worship.


How long is the Sunday Morning service?

Our service is approximately an hour long. We start at 10:30 a.m. and are finished between 11:30 and 11:45 a.m.


When do you observe communion?

We celebrate the Lord's table with communion every month. We also have communion at our Maundy Thursday service.


Who can I talk to if I have specific questions?

Feel free to call our church office at 724-586-7096 and someone will be glad to help answer any questions you might have.

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