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women's ministry

Women's Ministry


Taken from the Titus 2 model, our Women's Ministry is all about creating relationships where the older women teach the younger women. Our prayer is that this new venture will be a faithful, purposeful, and fruitful ministry both to the women in our congregation as well as those in our community. We meet monthly on the first Wednesday, 7:00PM, so as to accomodate most schedules. We will incorporate womanly arts in our meeting times where knitting, crocheting, and even cooking might take place! We will also focus on being doers of the Word and work on projects benefiting our missionaries abroad and local organizations such as homeless shelters and hospice care facilities.


For more information on how to get involved in our women's ministry, contact the church office at 724-586-7096.

"As God fills my hands; I can pour out love, talents, and obedience to His Word to the next generation, and so on and so on..."

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